Contruction karaoke roon DONA 1 Duc Trong Lam Dong

Công trình thiết kế thi công phòng karaoke DONA 1 Đức Trọng

Design works construction Dona karaoke room 1

With years of experience in the field of sound, design and execution of professional karaoke room. Phan Nguyen Audio has received the trust from investors karaoke DONA 1 to room construction professional karaoke system. Design works construction DONA karaoke rooms to meet all standards of aesthetic design, sound quality pinnacle of professional karaoke rooms in the world.

Construction process was Phan Nguyen Audio karaoke rooms less applicable construction standards sound insulation, sound absorption professional to create a space with professional sound quality possible. Episode of noise, noise will not affect the sound quality in the room as well as affect the space outside the room.

Process design Phan Nguyen Audio karaoke rooms are modern style choice, luxury, premium design quality. Phan Nguyen chose the decorative material luxury, beautifully designed way to highlight the room space. In addition to decorative purposes for the room, these materials will minimize negative reactions to the situation does not reduce the quality of sound in the room. Process design and construction ensures the karaoke room in terms of aesthetics and sound quality in the room.

Phan Nguyen Audio has skillfully arranged lighting system most appropriate to highlight the design style karaoke rooms. Accompanied by the ability to change the lighting effects in each melodies, creating an entertainment space fanciful and colorful sound.

Karaoke sound system was Phan Nguyen Audio using the device branded Bonus Audio karaoke. Bonus Audio is a manufacturer of audio equipment, professional karaoke equipment, the most modern technologies. Sound system professional karaoke each including the following devices:

Karaoke speaker PS-15F Bonus professional, powerful sound quality, realistic, beautifully designed, luxurious.

Bonus 868 karaoke speaker, professional, powerful sound, beautiful design

Bonus S122 Subwoofer professional, powerful bass, certainly, chic design

Bonus CH-4300 Main power, high-fidelity sound quality, crisp

Bonus digital karaoke mixer MK-236 modern, professional, adjusted by computer, telephone, premium sound quality and truthfulness.

Karaoke Hanet HD10S peak, controlled by modern tablet, sound quality, premium image, the number of songs a rich and diverse.

Karaoke Hanet HD10S peak, controlled by modern tablet, sound quality, premium image, the number of songs a rich and diverse.

The whole system sounds karaoke every room technicians are the most experienced audio setup for each karaoke room style design, layout area and karaoke room furniture to create a quality entertainment space high quality, rich sound, the most honest. With professional karaoke by Phan Nguyen Audio setup can meet various genres of music and different styles of many customers changed from folk, lyrical to nonstop, karaoke dance that rarely meet torch.

With many years of experience in the field of sound, design and construction of a karaoke room and get the trust of customers over the years, Phan Nguyen Audio always meet all requirements from investors karaoke room to work completed a good way to help the business succeed.

You need to design a karaoke room construction, please contact:

Phan Nguyen Co., Ltd. Sound Light Interior

406 Tan Son Nhi Tan Quy Tan Phu Ho Chi Minh City

Hotline: 0988.578.149


Phan Nguyễn Audio: