Bonus 868 Karaoke Speaker

Loa karaoke Bonus 868

Bonus 868 karaoke speaker

Speaker karaoke with powerful bass Powerful

A type of speaker is usually recommended karaoke bars against by the power of this speaker. With powerful bass, so there are 868 Bonus karaoke speaker’s choice bars, discos, cafes professional

Bonus 868 karaoke speakers designed only 1 black and white business case forward Bonus, speakers looked chic and sturdy.

Specifications of karaoke speaker 868 Bonus

  • Speakers include: 3 way – 3-way
  • Sensitivity: 95dB
  • Impedance: 8 ohms
  • Power: 400W
  • Frequency: 15Hz / 25kHz
  • Brand: Bonus
  • Made in USA

Images of karaoke speaker Bonus 868

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