- Đăng bởi: Phan Nguyễn Audio
- Chuyên mục: Bonus Audio, Subwoofer, Karaoke equipment

Subwoofer Bonus 18

[wptab name=’FEATURES’]
Bonus Audio are trademarks producing professional karaoke equipment. The Bonus Audio karaoke equipment is manufactured on advanced technology in the world. Modern product design, luxury suit any operating environment.
Bonus subwoofers product line is powerful subwoofer, the bass deep and sure. Bonus 18 Subwoofer is designed simple but very chic. Products are manufactured according to USA standards, components imported to ensure quality over time.
Bonus 18 subwoofer is used heavily in construction projects karaoke sound throughout the country.
Products are distributed and genuine warranty in Phan Nguyen Audio.
[wptab name=’SPECIFICATIONS’]
- Manufacturer: Bonus Audio
- Frequency range (-10 TB): 35 Hz – 250 Hz
- Frequency response (± 3 dB): 40 Hz – 120 Hz
- Sensitivity (1W / 1m): 96 dB
- Wattage: 2000 W
- Impedance: 8Ω
- Input: Two NL4 Connectors
- Modes of operation: Subwoofer
- Dimensions (H x W x D): 558 mm x 568 mm x 718 mm (22.0 “x 22.4” x 28.3 “)
- Weight: 45 kg (100 lbs)
- Duration of warranty: 2 years
[wptab name=’IMAGES’]
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