- Đăng bởi: Phan Nguyễn Audio
- Chuyên mục: Bonus Audio, Karaoke, Karaoke Professional

Professional karaoke, peak BA-02CN
Phan Nguyen Audio introduces professional karaoke 02CN BA-class, peak for VIP karaoke rooms, Mini Bar, Party, an area larger rooms in 50m2. Sound system of karaoke BA-02CN is setup, optimized by the Bonus Audio devices – Manufacturers audio equipment professional karaoke equipment modernization. To provide peak audio quality and the best economic efficiency.

Sound system of professional karaoke BA-02CN include:
2 speakers karaoke Bonus PS-15F and 2 karaoke speakers Bonus PS-12F class, professional. PS Bonus karaoke speaker series with realistic sound quality, strong, deep and sure fit the space. Bonus PS-Series speakers are beautifully designed, luxurious, suitable for all space used, easy layout and installation of stands, located at an easy hanging.
Two Bonus 18F subwoofer. This is a professional line of subwoofers, powerful bass, to meet all styles and different genres of music customers. Beautifully designed, luxurious, can be arranged anywhere in the room.
A main power Bonus D2 and Bonus D4 1 main power high capacity, are produced on the most advanced technology in the world. Compact design, realistic sound, vivid.
A karaoke mixer MK-336 Bonus professional and modern. This is the dsp professional mixer for karaoke, all parameters are set up by computer, phone or tablet easily and quickly, the most accurate. The sound effects, echo, delay, reberb, … enhance the sound effects, creating an entertainment space heights.
A karaoke microphone stand Bonus MF8 class. This is line microphone stand wireless karaoke professional and modern. Karaoke microphone stand using MF8 Bonus, you will make more room space class section, more luxurious. Bouns MF8 microphone stand designed by Alloy certainly, eye-catching iridescent gold plating, which can catch signals up to 100m, easy installation layout.
A karaoke microphone Bonus MB-999 premium . This is the line of professional wireless microphone karaoke, modern. MB-999 Bonus beautifully designed, luxurious, high sock resistance, critical reception range 100m barrier where easy layout.

The entire sound system professional karaoke BA-02CN is optimized, accurate setup, creating an entertainment space true peak. Price entire professional karaoke system BA-02CN is: 164.950.000 VNĐ. You can choose to add karaoke Hanet PlayX Air One Beat Edition 4TB or Hanet device X to get the most professional presentation, superior image quality possible.