- Đăng bởi: Phan Nguyễn Audio
- Chuyên mục: Power Amplifier, Karaoke equipment

[wptab name=’OVERVIEW’]
The CA Series design provides economical access to the premium sound quality of the Crest Audio Pro Series.
Professional power-handling capabilities and exceptional low-end response make this amplifier an ideal choice for installations and touring applications that demand the finest audio quality.
[wptab name=’SPECIFICATIONS’]
- 8 Ohm Stereo – 1000 W
- 4 Ohm Stereo – 1800 W
- 2 Ohm Stereo – 2500 W
- 8 Ohm Bridged – 3600 W
- 4 Ohm Bridged – 5000 W
- Legendary over-built power supply
- Toroidal power transformer
- Latest generation of high-speed, wide-bandwidth output devices
- Twin-tunnel cooling with back-to-front air flow
- Dual, rear-mounted, continuously variable-speed fans
- Balanced male and female XLR inputs with switch-configurable XLR polarity and sensitivity selection
- Speakon® or five-way binding post output connectors (market dependent)
- Stereo, parallel, bridged-mono mode selector switch
- Ground-lift switch
- Front panel circuit-breaker switch
- Recessed, stepped attenuators
- SIGNAL present/active, PROTECT, and ACL LED’s
- Modular construction
- Powder-coated steel chassis
- Five-year warranty
[wptab name=’IMAGES’]
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